
The combination of essential oils in this perfume give protection to sensitive children and adults. Spray it over your head to put on your cap of Super Hero.

This spray helps you when you feel too much the emotions of other peoples or when you are anxious to go to school... anytime you need to feel protected from the outside world and you need help with your emotions.

Essential oils: sweet orange, geranium egypt, clary sage, rosewood, patagonia pine and organic aro alcohol. Handmade.

This product can be shipped all over Switzerland but not outside Switzerland.

Ähnliche Services

Aromatherapi Massage
CHF 80.00
Versand möglich
Massage Therapies
CHF 180.00
Verfügbar am Standort des Verkäufers
Bio Pärfum
CHF 40.00
Versand möglich