
Spezifikationen: Kaltes Gericht, Gemüse

Passend dazu ein feiner Mauler Schaumwein:
Aperitif Riche Box for 2-3 people
2 pieces of Speckgugelhopf (olive gugelhopf veg version) or Focaccia with rosemary and olive oil depending on availability and agreement, 2 Mini Quiche Lorraine, Tomme à la creme with fig mustard or cream cheese ring with chives, pepper or paprika, cheese, cold cuts such as raw ham or coppa, salami, salamettli, herb dip with vegetables, baked nut mix, pistachios, olives with almonds, crackers, chocolate madeleines, cheesecake, grapes, dried apricots, blueberries

A fine Mauler sparkling wine goes with it

Ähnliche Services

Apéro Riche Box
CHF 19.90
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Apéro Platte
CHF 18.90
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Brunch Box
CHF 22.00
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